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Dr的媒体简介. 瑞秋一. Larimore
Dr. 瑞秋一. 拉里莫尔是一位教育家、顾问、演说家、研究员和作家. Her work focuses on the intentional integration of nature to support young children’s holistic development by learning 与 nature to expand their worlds and live rich, 完整的生活. 她写了多本书,包括 建立以自然为本的幼儿园, 超越围墙的学前教育:融合幼儿教育 and 自然的学习, 评估Natureness: Measuring the Quality of Nature-based Classrooms in Pre-k Through 3rd Grade. 雷切尔是萨马拉早期教育的创始人和首席梦想家, an organization focused on helping early childhood educators start nature-based schools or add nature-based approaches into their existing program. 在创立萨马拉之前, she spent more than a decade starting and directing one of the first nature-based preschools in the United States.
Dr. 瑞秋一. Larimore is an educator, speaker, consultant, author of four books including 建立以自然为本的幼儿园, 超越围墙的学前教育:融合幼儿教育 and 自然的学习, 评估Natureness: Measuring the Quality of Nature-based Classrooms in Pre-k Through 3rd Grade. 她的激情, 专业知识, work focuses on the intentional integration of nature to support young children’s holistic development by learning 与 nature to expand their worlds and live rich, 完整的生活.通过萨马拉早期学习, she helps early childhood educators start nature-based schools or add nature-based approaches into their existing programs.
在成立萨马拉早教之前, Rachel founded one of the nation’s earliest nature-based preschools at Chippewa Nature Center (CNC) in Midland, MI. 的 creation of the preschool in 2007 was part of her 15-year tenure as the Director of Education. 她继续担任该项目的主任,直到2016年, 在她离开时, the program served 140 children each year through public and private funding sources. In her tenure at CNC she also co-chaired the Nature Center’s $6 million capital expansion project, 哪一个是在2010年完成的. 的 expansion included an approximately 5,000 square foot LEED Gold Certified preschool building. 在CNC工作期间, Rachel led the creation of a partnership 与 Bullock Creek Schools to create a nature-based kindergarten and first grade 与in the public school system.
Rachel是Natural Start Alliance的顾问委员会成员, 支持以自然为本的教育者的专业协会. She also served on the committee to write the Natural Start Alliance’s Nature-Based Preschool Professional Practice Guidebook, a book which describes how nature-based educators can offer programs that are safe, 有效的, 和包容的.
瑞秋获得了博士学位.D. at Michigan State University’s Department of Teacher Education; her M.A. in Park and Recreation Administration from Central Michigan University; and her B.S. 自然资源、娱乐和旅游, 强调解释, 科罗拉多州立大学.
Rachel has been recognized for her work by various organizations including the National Association for Interpretation Region 4’s in 2012 与 the “Master Interpretive Manager” recognition; First State Bank’s “RUBY Award” in 2013 for professionals under the age of 40; and Exchange Magazine in 2015 与 the “Promising Early Care and Education Leader” award.
*Chief Visionary because someone in the organization must stay focused on the overall purpose, 或者为什么, 所做的功.
Dr. Rachel Larimore是一位教育家、演说家、顾问和作家. Her work focuses on the intentional integration of nature to support young children’s holistic development by learning 与 nature to expand their worlds and live rich, 完整的生活. 作为萨马拉早期教育的首席梦想家, she helps educators looking to establish nature-based schools or add nature-based approaches in their existing program. Rachel’s passion for and approach to early childhood education is largely inspired by her own childhood playing in the woods on her family farm in Central Illinois. 当然, that was a few years ago as she’s spent nearly 30 years working in environmental and nature-based education. 这包括开始和, 十多年了, 他领导着美国最早的一所以自然为基础的幼儿园.S. 如果你还没有,一定要看看瑞秋的书,包括 建立以自然为本的幼儿园; 墙外幼儿园; and her most recent–评估Natureness.
→网站: http://careers.hfxsyjzpjs.com
→Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/samaraearlylearning/
→Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SamaraEarlyLearning/
→Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RachelALarimore
→附加网站: http://www.rachel-larimore.com
→地点: 米德兰,密歇根州(原来自伊利诺伊州)
→在: 2018
→企业名称: 萨马拉早期教育
→会员名称: 格罗夫购物中心
→家庭: 狗汉克(萨马拉的快乐总监)
→个人爱好: 我喜欢以各种不同的方式待在户外(当然), 还有编织, 底特律城市足球俱乐部, 现场音乐, 阅读, 还有……嘘……Hallmark圣诞电影.
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超越围墙的学前教育:融合幼儿教育 & 自然的学习
评估Natureness: Measuring the Quality of Nature-Based Classrooms in Pre-K through 3rd Grade